Cómo comprobar configuración de los DNSs de un dominio?

DNSsy   DNS Test and Check   Free DNS Report

Si no sabes cómo comprobar si la configuración de tu dominio es correcta, o tienes algún problema y no sabes dónde está, puedes utilizar siguiente herramienta online para comprobar registros DNSs de tú dominiohttp://www.dnssy.com

Te ayudará a comprobar el estado de los diferentes registros y te marcará si alguno no está bien configurado con breve descripción del problema (q es la mitad de la solución normalmente) o consejo para alguna mejora .  El único inconveniente (para algunos) es que está en inglés.

Aquí os dejo el listado de registros DNSs que podéis comprobar con DNSsy:

Checking domain format

Checking for parent nameservers

Checking for parent glue

NS records at parent nameserver

Nameservers listed at parent

Glue at parent nameserver

Nameserver name validity

Nameserver A records

Nameserver A records match parent glue

NS records at your nameservers

Nameservers listed at your namservers

Glue at your nameservers

Nameserver A records match nameserver glue

Parent glue matches your glue

Nameservers match (parent)

Nameservers match (yours)

All nameservers responded

Only root nameservers returned

Any root nameservers returned

All of your nameservers match

All of your nameservers return an A record

Recursive lookups

Nameservers respond authoritatively

Nameserver name validity

Number of nameservers

CNAME returned

Nameservers on different class C

Nameservers on private IPs

SOA record

Number of SOA records

SOA Serial Match

SOA Master Nameserver Match

SOA Admin Email Match

SOA Refresh Match

SOA Retry Match

SOA Expire Match

SOA Minimum TTL Match

SOA Serial Number

SOA Master Nameserver

SOA Admin Email

SOA Refresh

SOA Retry

SOA Expire

SOA Minimum TTL

MX records

This is all of the MX servers I found.

All nameservers return same MX

MX records have A records

MX records have CNAMEs

MX records are IPs

MX records are valid

MX use public IP

MX IPs have reverse DNS

Testing Connection

Testing HELO

Testing null reverse path

Mail to local postmaster

Mail to domain postmaster

WWW record

WWW is public

Connecting to WWW server

Checking HTTP version

WWW server type

WWW server version

WWW home page


Espero q os sirva.

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